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Here's what's happening this month

Successful Venison Dinner to benefit Camp Turk

Dear Readers, The critics have spoken and it's unanimous! Thanks to all those who participated I last night’s event. Fantastic evening for everyone. Kudos to the Stokke family for all they do.  - V:.W:. Bill Debenedetto Thats just one of the many posts since last night's Venison Dinner. With this event canceled the last 2 years due to concerns, it …
Successful Venison Dinner to benefit Camp Turk

Feb 2022 School of Instruction

Feb 2022 School of Instruction
Suffolk District AGLs V:.W:. Bill Debenedetto and V:.W:. Gil Kruse came out last night to Potunk Lodge #1071 for a School of Instruction. On the agenda was to discuss and get info on the Drama of the 3rd degree. Brothers from Potunk Lodge, Riverhead Lodge, Smithtown Lodge, Suffolk 60 and others all joined in the discussion and ritual. All had …

Is it President's Day or Washington's Birthday?

Although the holiday is most often referred to as “Presidents’ Day,” the observed federal holiday is officially called “Washington’s Birthday.” Neither Congress nor the President has ever stipulated that the name of the holiday observed as Washington’s Birthday be changed to Presidents’ Day. Additionally, Congress has never declared a national holiday that is binding in all states; each state has the …
Is it President's Day or Washington's Birthday?

2022 Grand Master's Message - Camp Turk

2022 Grand Master's Message - Camp Turk
Dear Brother, As we know, Camp Turk at Round Lake is a premier summer camp and one of the crown jewels of New York State Freemasonry.  The past two camping seasons have been very difficult as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  The 2020 season was cancelled entirely, and last season Camp Turk operated with far fewer children than in …

Lodges are getting serious about securing the District Traveling Gavel

As of late we have seen a great Brotherhood and competitive spirit among Brothers of the Suffolk District with the District Traveling Gavel. There has been Bragging rights and quite a bit of smack talk as well. All in good fun and of course good taste (mostly). Lately, as April approaches, some Lodges once they have snagged the gavel for …
Lodges are getting serious about securing the District Traveling Gavel

Got Ideas?

We are looking for Contributors to the suffolkmasons.com. Submit articles to the Suffolk District Band or send to the Webmaster to add to the website.


Events around the Suffolk District

in no particular order...
Want your Event listed? Well you have to let someone know that your having an Event first. Better yet Post it on the Suffolk District BAND and it will automagically get transferred to the District Web calendar; and if done in time...it will make the next month's newsletter. Simple.
If you read the News item at the top you can logon directly to the District Website and add your events there and sell tickets online with Suffolk District Tickets powered by LIPMA. You can follow this link to do just that -> My Events

Suffolk District Grand Lecturer's Convention

GRAND LECTURER’S CONVENTION 2022 Saturday March 26, 2022 at 2pm Riverhead Lodge # 645, Riverhead, NY Hosted by Peconic Lodge #349 Work: First section of the Entered Apprentice Degree

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Suffolk District Grand Lecturer's Convention

Suffolk District Dinner at Polish Hall 2022

Suffolk District Dinner at Polish Hall 2022 Hope everyone is ready for some kielbasa and kraut along with a great night of Fellowship! Tickets will be on sale soon! Look for coming announcements!

Click the Read More to Purchase your tickets!

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Suffolk District Dinner at Polish Hall 2022

Masonic Development Course - Session 1 - Babylon

The Masonic Development Course (MDC) is a great start on education for all Brothers. Don't miss this special course or if you have taken it...take it again. Need to Register for the MDC? Click here to register Online or obtain the form to print and mail.

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Masonic Development Course - Session 1 - Babylon

Masonic Development Course - Session 1 - Riverhead

The Masonic Development Course (MDC) is a great start on education for all Brothers. Don't miss this special course or if you have taken it...take it again. Click here to register Online or obtain the form to print and mail.

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Masonic Development Course - Session 1 - Riverhead

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Amityville Lodge No. 977

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Amityville Lodge No. 977
Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Amityville Lodge No. 977 Details will be announced soon!

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Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Alcyone Lodge No. 695

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Alcyone Lodge No. 695 Details to be updated soon.

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Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Alcyone Lodge No. 695

Star of the East Lodge Pot Roast and Ziti Dinner

Mark your calendars!! Our pot roast/ baked ziti dinner is back!!! Take Out Only this year. Tickets - $10.00 Children & $20.00 Adults

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Star of the East Lodge Pot Roast and Ziti Dinner

Events around the Jurisdiction (and beyond) of Masonic interest

If you know of an event in the NY Jurisdiction or other jurisdiction that would interest Suffolk Masons, lets us know!

Garibaldi Lodge 1st Degree

Thanks W:. Walter Zelaya for this info: Brothers, the famed Garabaldi Entered Apprentice Degree. Done in Italian and Scottish Rite ritual. Contact info on flyer. This year is first come basis.

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Garibaldi Lodge 1st Degree

The Grand Master's Ball 2022

Save the Date! This will be the date of the M:.W:. Richard J. Kessler's Ball. Details to be added later.

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The Grand Master's Ball 2022

Oklahoma Native American Degree Team in Delaware

Oklahoma Native American Degree Team in Delaware
THIS EVENT IS OPEN ONLY TO MASTER MASONS THAT ARE MEMBERS OF GRAND LODGES IN HARMONY WITH THE GRAND LODGE OF DELAWARE. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Delaware will be proud to host the Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team. The Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree team is made up of Native American Freemasons from the state …

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