We hope you enjoy the Suffolk Masonic District Newsletter. There are currently 316 subscribers
Here's what's been happening.
GIACOMO GIROLAMO CASANOVA April 2, 1725, Venice (Republic of Venice, present day Italy) - June 4, 1798 (Dux, Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire, present day Duchcov, Czech Republic) The mores of eighteenth-century Venice were very different from those of today – intimate relations tended to be casual without any seriousness. Nobles married for social connections rather than love, so …
On Tuesday, October 3rd, W Robert Florio and the Brothers of Old Town Lodge #908 attended the School of Instruction hosted by Riverhead Lodge #645. While in attendance, the Brethren were able to abscond with the Suffolk Masonic District’s Traveling Gavel! Congratulations to Old Town on the successful steal! Who will get it next? Stay tuned….
While visiting family in Salt Lake City, W Terry Maccarrone of Connetquot Lodge #838 in Sayville toured the Grand Lodge of Utah and attended a meeting of Argenta Lodge #3. The Grand Lodge building boasts four ‘themed’ Lodge rooms, as well as a Theater for Shrine & Scottish Rite, a dedicated meeting room for Royal Arch, and a large catering room for …
Continuing its tradition of Traveling and supporting Masonic events throughout the Metropolitan Region, Brothers of the Suffolk Masonic District attended the First Capitular District Festive Board, which was held at Grand Lodge on Wednesday, November 29th. The well-attended event was a resounding success and enjoyed by all.
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Events around the Suffolk District
in no particular order...
Want your Event listed? Well you have to let someone know that your having an Event first. Better yet Post it on the Suffolk District BAND and it will automagically get transferred to the District Web calendar; and if done in time...it will make the next month's newsletter. Simple.
If you read the News item at the top you can logon directly to the District Website and add your events there and sell tickets online with Suffolk District Tickets powered by LIPMA. You can follow this link to do just that -> My Events
The dinner following the GLC is and RSVP only event. In order to attend you must RSVP. The GLC is just a month away, Click the link to RSVP for FREE -> 2024 GLC
The Grand Lecturer’s Convention will be held on Saturday March 16th at Riverhead Lodge. The program starts at 2PM with our Grand Lecturer, R W Richard Friedman who always provides a great program with so much energy and love for our Ritual. The 2024 Grand lecturer's Convention is open to Master Masons Only. There will be a dinner in the …
The Suffolk Masonic District Dinner will once again be held at Polish Hall on April 12th. Tickets will be $60 per person, and we were promised that the dinner will be what was traditionally served in prior years. These tickets will go on sale through our ticket sales system within a few weeks. The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master …
Tickets on sale NOW! Click the link to get yours!
See the attached flyer for details (Bill Arnold added)
Official visit of DDGM and GLSO to Suffolk Lodge No. 60 Homecoming of the District Deputy Grand Master R:.W:. Jeffrey G. Santarello (Bill Arnold added)
Official visit of DDGM and GLSO to Babylon Lodge Homecoming of the GLSO R:.W:. Robert J. Licata (Bill Arnold added)
Official visit of DDGM and GLSO to Dongan Patent Lodge (Bill Arnold added)
Official visit of DDGM and GLSO to Riverhead 645 (Bill Arnold added)
Events around the Jurisdiction (and beyond) of Masonic interest
If you know of an event in the NY Jurisdiction or other jurisdiction that would interest Suffolk Masons, lets us know!