We hope you enjoy the Suffolk Masonic District Newsletter. There are currently 317 subscribers
Here's what's happening this month
Editors Note: As some know the Suffolkmasons.com website was offline for a few weeks and had been suffering fits and spasms for a few month prior. It was concluded to move the entire site and if not possible to move, rebuild it on a new web host. It could not be moved. So we rebuilt it. Once consequence was we did loose some data, pertaining to currently subscribed to the newsletter. So we had to re-import and old list. Please feel free to scroll down to the bottom of you had previously unsubscribed and repeat please. We don't Spam.
Please enjoy the newsletter...its fee after all and see you in the quarries.
Applause for out outgoing GLSO Matthew Dinizio
Brothers, We'd be remiss if we did not acknowledge The R:.W:. Matt Dinizio, GLSO for the Suffolk Masonic District for his leadership and innovation in Masonic Educations for the District. He was very forward thinking and his classes, like the Masters Chair, Road to the East and Masonic Development course were well attended and very well received. Making the courses …
The Suffolk District Team 2021-2023
As all things go the last 20 or so months past, times were different. Grand Lodge elections and installations took place this past weekend in Utica, Masonic Care Campus. The M:.W:. Richard J. Kessler was installed as the Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York and R:.W:. Steven A. Rubin elected and installed as the Deputy Grand …
A big thank you to the immediate Past DDGM R:.W:. Kevin G. McCauley
Brothers it's been an interesting and troubling last 2 years to say the least. Accepting the position of DDGM is no light decision and I am certain that had R:.W:. Kevin McCauley known what was to come during his tenure, he would have still taken the position without hesitation. As we all know the District and Grand Lodge asked all …
Welcome back to the Suffolk District Website
Well the Suffolk District Website took a short hiatus to recover and recoup after 8 long years in service to the District. Now it's back and new and improved. Of course all things are never 100% from the start so if you find and error or need a correction, please just send a note to the webmaster and we'll take …
Got Ideas?
We are looking for Contributors to the suffolkmasons.com. Submit articles to the Suffolk District Band or send to the Webmaster to add to the website.
Events around the Suffolk District
in no particular order...
Pot Roast Dinner with all the fixin's
Connetquot Lodge #838 - Sayville You can see the RSVP status of this event in BAND. (James Payne added)
The Masonic Toys for Tots Foundation annual Gala Ball is Saturday, November 20, 2021, 12:30p to 5:30p at Russo's on the Bay in Queens. Please join us and support our effort. Please call me directly to purchase tickets/tables for the Ball, to purchase journal pages or donate to this worthy cause. Or go to: www.masonictoysfortots.com/support Our Foundation and Committee would …
Save the DATE! The 1st annual LIPMA Holiday Gala is coming! 6PM Cocktail Hour 7PM Dinner Details to be posted on BAND and on LIPMA.ORG Tickets on sale NOW. https://lipma.org/event/2021-lipma-holiday-gala/ We hope to see many of you there and we'll have a special guest and special presentation. (Bill Arnold added)
Jephtha & Babylon Lodges Entered Apprentice Degree - Erection of the Temple and Conductors (Bill Arnold added)
Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Babylon Lodge No. 793 (Bill Arnold added)
Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Star of the East Lodge No. 843 (Bill Arnold added)
Riverhead Lodge #645 will confer the 2nd Degree on four Brothers from Riverhead, Potunk, and Peconic lodges on Tuesday, November 2nd at 7:30 pm. Please join the Brothers of Riverhead, Potunk, and Peconic lodges as we pass our Entered Apprentices along on their path through Masonry. A Collation dinner will be open before the meeting at 6:30 pm ($10.00). The …
Official Visit of DDGM and GLSO to Suffolk Lodge No. 60 (Bill Arnold added)
Events around the Jurisdiction of interest
The Masonic Toys for Tots Foundation annual Gala Ball is Saturday, November 20, 2021, 12:30p to 5:30p at Russo's on the Bay in Queens. Please join us and support our effort. Please call me directly to purchase tickets/tables for the Ball, to purchase journal pages or donate to this worthy cause. Or go to: www.masonictoysfortots.com/support Our Foundation and Committee would …