December 2024

Good Morning Brothers and Friends!

In case you missed it! Breaking news and posted events from the Suffolk Masonic District.

If you would like your Lodge's events posted and reminders sent, then all you need to do is post on the Suffolk District Calendar on BAND or you can set an event directly on the District Website.
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Today's Top Stories

Improvements to the website

Improvements to the website
Brothers, Question: is it possible to be "new" and "improved" at the same time?  Over the last few years, I have gotten feedback from users of the website regarding several things. The one main theme was that it was slow and cumbersome, especially with ticket purchases for events. The hosting for the district website has been updated and migrated …

Upcoming Events

Official visit of the DDGM & GLSO to Riverhead Lodge

Official visit of the DDGM & GLSO to Riverhead Lodge
The official visit of the DDGM & GLSO to Riverhead Lodge. Collation begins at 6 PM and the Lodge will open at 7:30 PM, delegations to begin at 8 PM sharp
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