We hope you enjoy the Suffolk Masonic District Newsletter. There are currently 317 subscribers
Latest News from the District
From the Grand Lodge Staff Officer for the Suffolk District Fall 2024
Greetings my Brothers; It is a privilege and honor to represent the Suffolk District as the Grand Lodge Staff Officer. I hope to be the brother you look to for educational insight and instruction. Please take advantage of all the many programs and classes we are offering. The AGLs and I will be working hard to bring you many educational …
From the Suffolk District DDGM Sept 2024
Dear Brethren, I hope this communication finds you well and eager to get back into the Quarries. Your Suffolk Masonic District Team is very excited to get our term started and thanks to The M:.W:. Steven Adam Rubin, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York we have some excellent programs for us to get out to our …
2024 Bus Demolition Derby
This year's Bus Demolition Derby at Riverhead Raceway looks to have been just as fun as previous years. The event began with the Masonic War Veterans presenting the colors to all. https://player.vimeo.com/video/1002844482 Once the colors were presented and the anthem sung beautifully, the events kicked off. Later in the event the busses took to the field and the Suffolk Masonic …
Got Ideas?
We are looking for Contributors to the suffolkmasons.com. Submit articles to the Suffolk District Band or send to the Webmaster to add to the website.
Events around the Suffolk District
in no particular order...
Want your Event listed? Well, you have to let someone know that you're having an Event first. Better yet Post it on the Suffolk District BAND and it will AutoMagically get transferred to the District Web calendar; and if done in time...it will make the next newsletter. Simple.
You can logon directly to the District Website and add your events there and sell tickets online with Suffolk District Tickets powered by LIPMA. You can follow this link to do just that -> My Events
Jephtha Lodge Halloween costume party 2024
MDC at Riverhead Lodge - Session 3
The MDC class held at Riverhead Lodge this morning. Register here -> https://suffolkmasons.com/education_services/
MDC class at Babylon Lodge - Session 3
The MDC class held at Babylon Lodge this evening. Register here -> https://suffolkmasons.com/education_services/
School of Instruction at Babylon Lodge
Good Morning My Brothers, I will be hosting a School of Instruction at Babylon Lodge on Wednesday October 23, 2024. The focus will be the 1st degree. We will also have a guest speaker, W:. Bradley Hubbard discuss Observant Masonry protocols involving various aspects of Masonry and our traditions. It will be a fun night for sure! Hope to see …
MDC class at Riverhead Lodge - Session 2
The MDC class held at Riverhead Lodge this morning. Register here -> https://suffolkmasons.com/education_services/
MDC class at Babylon Lodge - Session 2
The MDC class held at Babylon Lodge this evening. Register here -> https://suffolkmasons.com/education_services/
MDC class at Riverhead Lodge - Session 1
The MDC class held at Riverhead Lodge this morning. Register here -> https://suffolkmasons.com/education_services/
MDC class at Babylon Lodge - Session 1
The MDC class held at Babylon Lodge this evening. Register here -> https://suffolkmasons.com/education_services/
Smithtown Lodge No. 1127 Cigar & Whisky BBQ
Join Smithtown Lodge for our 4th annual Cigar & Whisky BBQ! This year will be a slightly different format with a focus on fellowship with our Masonic Brethren and Friends! FREE ENTRY, we would just ask that you RSVP ahead of time. Donations for food and the like will be accepted by the lodge. Feel free to bring your own …
For more events you can visit the District Calendar. Click the button below:
If you know of an event in the NY Jurisdiction or other jurisdiction that would interest Suffolk Masons, lets us know! Better yet post it on the Suffolk District Band Calendar!
Events around the Jurisdiction (and beyond) of Masonic interest
Grand Master’s Gala Please see the attached PDF flyer for reservations and the journal for the GM's Ball. Click the links for the printable versions Dinner Reservations Flyer Journal Ad
Grand Master’s Family Day at West Point
Grand Master’s Family Day at West Point (Bill Arnold added)
Grand Master’s Day in Tappan with a BBQ
Grand Master’s Day in Tappan with a BBQ.