Good Morning Brothers and Friends!
In case you missed it! Breaking news and posted events from the Suffolk Masonic District.
If you would like your Lodge's events posted and reminders sent, then all you need to do is post on the Suffolk District Calendar on BAND or you can set an event directly on the District Website.
Today's Top Stories
Washington's Inauguration and the Bible
As Freemasons, most of us are familiar with much or all of the story of WBro. George Washinton's first Inaugural may be in dispute. Contemporaries who were present reported slightly different versions of the events. It is an understatement to say they were making it up as they went along. The fact is they did make it up as they …
Special Guest Speaker at Dongan Patent Lodge
Masters Wardens Deacons meeting presented by LIPMA held at Riverhead Lodge
All current Masters, Wardens & Deacons are encouraged to attend. This event will be held at Riverhead Lodge. A $10 donation is requested for dinner. (Jeremiah Campbell added)
Masonic Leadership Initiative John Maxwell's - Everyone Communicates, Few Connect!
Masonic Leadership Initiative John Maxwell's - Everyone Communicates, Few Connect Presented by the Leadership and Educational Services Committee, G.L.O.N.Y, and the Maxwell Leadership Team of the New York Council of Deliberation, A.A.S.R. Your facilitators for this event are R∴W∴ Bill Edwards and R∴W∴ Michael LaRocco This is a free event for all regular Masons! Please register by using the link …
Renew Your Commitment to Masonry with the George Washington Inaugural Bible and our Grand Master!
Experience a historic moment and reaffirm your Masonic ties! Join Grand Master M∴W∴ Steven Adam Rubin at Lynbrook-Massapequa Lodge No. 822 on March 3rd, 2025, for a visit from the George Washington Inaugural Bible. This remarkable Bible, used by George Washington and numerous U.S. Presidents during their oaths of office, as well as by many Grand Masters, will be the …
Suffolk Masonic District in Suffolk County, NY