Good Morning Brothers and Friends!
In case you missed it! Breaking news and posted events from the Suffolk Masonic District.
If you would like your Lodge's events posted and reminders sent, then all you need to do is post on the Suffolk District Calendar on BAND or you can set an event directly on the District Website.
Today's Top Stories
LIPMA hosts Masters, Wardens & Deacons of the District
Attending the meeting held last night, January 29th, 2025, was a pleasure at Riverhead Lodge of the Long Island Past Masters Assoc. (LIPMA). The Suffolk District Team, led by R:.W:. Robert J. Licata, DDGM, brought together the Masters, Wardens, and Deacons of the Suffolk Masonic District for a discussion about reconstituting the Masters, Wardens, and Deacons Assoc. (MWDA). W:. Terry …
EA Degree Connetquot Lodge #838
Brethren, please join the Brothers of Connetquot lodge #838 at our upcoming Entered Apprentice degree where we will be initiating four Candidates. Collation at 6:30 pm (details to follow. RSVP required) Degree at 8:00 pm You can see the RSVP status of this event in BAND. (Michael Stegmeier added)
test event with payment
test event with payment Do not purchase tickets for this event
3rd Annual “Pint”Wood Derby
Brothers, Families & Friends! Start your engines….or carvings. Smithtown Lodge is proud to announce the 3rd Annual “Pint” Wood Derby! As a new spin, we will be pairing this with an Irish Potluck! So bring your best-corned beef, bangers, or soda bread! Please register using the files attached (rules attached as well). Feel free to reach out to W:. Scott …
Karaoke & Dance Party Fundraiser for Dongan Patent #1134
Karaoke & Dance Party Fundraiser benefitting Dongan Patent Freemason Lodge #1134 featuring a Chinese Auction + 50/50 raffle! Hosted by Bro. Altman and KJ Barbara! No cover required! (Brandon Altman added)
Suffolk Masonic District in Suffolk County, NY