We hope you enjoy the Suffolk Masonic District Newsletter. There are currently 316 subscribers
Here's what's happening this month
Introducing Suffolk Masonic Events & Tickets Powered by lipma
The internet is a wonderful thing sometimes. Growing up in the 70s through 90s if we needed information we went to the library or looked it up in your home encyclopedia, etc. Nowadays we hold the sum of human knowledge in the palm of our hands. I remember getting tickets to see Van Halen 1984 at Madison Square Garden and …
Where in the District is the Traveling gavel?
It seems the Traveling Gavel is bouncing around the East end of the District these days. As of last night, Nov 18th, 2021 the Suffolk District Traveling Gavel was resting comfortably in it's home at Potunk Lodge #1071 in Westhampton, when 7 ruffians from Riverhead Lodge #645 appeared, ate some collation meal and then proceeded to abscond with the Traveling …
A New Director General of Masonic War Veterans of NY Elected
Congratulations are in order. W:. Vincent Scandole of Riverhead Lodge #645, elected Director General of the Masonic War Veterans of the State of NY. During the weekend of Nov 12-14 the Masonic War Veterans of NY held their Grand Post Communication and W:. Scandole found himself on the Canadian border in NY and somehow got himself elected as one of …
Address of Richard J. Kessler, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York
{Presented at the 239th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York on Saturday, October 23, 2021} To all of my Brothers, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your trust, support and confidence. The Grand Lodge of New York is at a crossroads. The direction we now take …
From the Commander of Suffolk Post 23, MWV
It seems that with the COVID situation some basic elements of "what do I need to do for...." scenarios has gotten lost in the shuffle. I have been asked by more then one WBro. what they need to do to request the Suffolk Post 23 to come to a 'event', like a DDGM visit and present he colors? There is …
Got Ideas?
We are looking for Contributors to the suffolkmasons.com. Submit articles to the Suffolk District Band or send to the Webmaster to add to the website.
Events around the Suffolk District
in no particular order...
Want your Event listed? Well you have to let someone know that your having an Event first. Better yet Post it on the Suffolk District BAND and it will automagically get transferred to the District Web calendar; and if done in time...it will make the next month's newsletter. Simple.
If you read the News item at the top you can logon directly to the District Website and add your events there and sell tickets online with Suffolk District Tickets powered by LIPMA. You can follow this link to do just that -> My Events
Save the DATE! The 1st annual LIPMA Holiday Gala is coming! 6PM Cocktail Hour 7PM Dinner Details to be posted on BAND and on LIPMA.ORG Tickets on sale NOW. https://lipma.org/event/2021-lipma-holiday-gala/ We hope to see many of you there and we'll have a special guest and special presentation. (Bill Arnold added)
Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Smithtown Lodge No. 1127
Riverhead Lodge #645 presents: The 1st Annual UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER TABLE LODGE on Tuesday, December 21st. 🗓 A fine Collation 🍽 ($10) will open at 6:00 pm 🕕, with Table Lodge to begin promptly at 7:30ish. 🕢 Although an Ugly Christmas Sweater is not required, the odds are pretty good that I will pick on you if you are dressed …
Please join me in supporting the DeMolay at their public installation of officers on December 5th 2pm at Riverhead Lodge. Be well my brothers!
Events around the Jurisdiction of interest
If you know of an event in the NY Jurisdiction that would interest Suffolk Masons, lets us know!