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We hope you enjoy the Suffolk Masonic District Newsletter. There are currently 316 subscribers

Here's what's happening this month

The wild game dinner is back for 2022!

After a hiatus of a year due to COVID the Wild Game, AKA "Road Kill Dinner" is back. This year the dinner will be held a Riverhead Lodge #645 on Saturday, Feb. 26th at 6PM. The Suffolk District Youth Committee hosts the event and will be serving us some favorites of the last 16 years the event has been held. …
The wild game dinner is back for 2022!

Happy Masonic New Year!

Happy Masonic New Year!
It's 2022 (A.L. 6022) and we hope all have a happy and prosperous New Year! There is lots happening in the coming months and the quarries have certainly been busy the last few. “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.”―MWBro.  Benjamin Franklin

We Mourn the loss of the First Lady of NY Freemasonry Joanne Kessler

Brethren and Friends, It is with a deeply troubled heart that we learned today that our First Lady of New York Masonry, Mrs. Joanne Kessler, has been called to the Celestial Home above. She passed from this life at 1:42 PM on Monday, December 27th. Almighty God, Heavenly Father, grant Your consoling grace to all who mourn the passing of …
We Mourn the loss of the First Lady of NY Freemasonry Joanne Kessler

Public Re-Presentation for RW Joseph Saglimbene, Grand Treasurer & RW Spiro Triantafilis, Deputy Grand Marshal

Public Re-Presentation for RW Joseph Saglimbene, Grand Treasurer & RW Spiro Triantafilis, Deputy Grand Marshal
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 12, 2022 for the Public Re-Presentation for R∴W∴ Joseph Saglimbene, Grand Treasurer & R∴W∴ Spiro Triantafilis, Deputy Grand Marshal at the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, 28 Lincoln Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY. REQUIRED:  RSVP - RW Joseph Saglimbene at 347-307-3867 or Grand Treasurer's Email

Lets get ready to RUMBLE - with Masonic Education

2021 is coming to a close in a just a few weeks, the holidays will be here before we know it and our busy schedules will be strained to the breaking point. Its a yearly routine and as we all know the last 24 months has been anything but routine. Hopefully things will be rocking and rolling by February as …
Lets get ready to RUMBLE - with Masonic Education

The Suffolk masonic district elects new advisor

The Suffolk masonic district elects new advisor
This past week the Suffolk Masonic District has elected a new Suffolk District Advisor, R:..W:. William McCauley. It is a distinct honor to have been elected as District Advisor for the Suffolk Masonic District. It will be a pleasure to continue my fraternal service for the benefit of each of you in the District. This District is held in High …

Got Ideas?

We are looking for Contributors to the suffolkmasons.com. Submit articles to the Suffolk District Band or send to the Webmaster to add to the website.


Events around the Suffolk District

in no particular order...
Want your Event listed? Well you have to let someone know that your having an Event first. Better yet Post it on the Suffolk District BAND and it will automagically get transferred to the District Web calendar; and if done in time...it will make the next month's newsletter. Simple.
If you read the News item at the top you can logon directly to the District Website and add your events there and sell tickets online with Suffolk District Tickets powered by LIPMA. You can follow this link to do just that -> My Events

Suffolk District Tickets Tutorial

All interested in using the Suffolk District Ticket system- a class/tutorial will be held at Riverhead Lodge on Thursday January 27th at 7 pm. Take control of your events sales and track income and attendance. Open to all Masons, lodges, concordat bodies, associated organizations. The ticket system is powered by LIPMA for the Suffolk Masonic District. You can see the …

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Suffolk District Tickets Tutorial

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Jephtha Lodge No. 494

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Jephtha Lodge No. 494 Details TBA

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Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Jephtha Lodge No. 494

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Riverhead Lodge No. 645

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Riverhead Lodge No. 645
Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Riverhead Lodge No. 645 Details TBA

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Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to The Lodge of Antiquity No. 11

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to The Lodge of Antiquity No. 11 Details TBA

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Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to The Lodge of Antiquity No. 11

School of Instruction Jan 2022

School of Instruction Jan 2022
Connetquot Lodge & The Lodge of Antiquity RITUAL -Balloting To be held at Connetquot Lodge # 838

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CANCELED: Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Potunk Lodge No. 1071

Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Potunk Lodge No. 1071 has been canceled due to an over abundance of caution due to COVID.

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Official Visit of the DDGM and GLSO to Potunk Lodge No. 1071

Events around the Jurisdiction of interest

If you know of an event in the NY Jurisdiction that would interest Suffolk Masons, lets us know!
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