About Us

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What is Freemasonry

What is it all about?

What is Freemasonry? Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organization. It is founded upon timeless principles of tolerance, care, kindness, honesty and trust. As Freemasons we live by an ethical and moral code that creates an atmosphere where friendship and understanding can grow among men of every religion, race and culture.

We believe men are first made Masons in their hearts, then they ask to join our Fraternity. Freemasonry will take these men — already good men in our community — and help make them better men.

Each man brings something different into the Fraternity — as different as the types of men who become Masons. However, each shares a core of common beliefs & dreams; each brother believes that, even in a small way, by every one of his actions he helps make his world, his community & himself better.

Freemasonry accepts no one for membership unless he comes of his own free will & accord, having already obtained a favorable impression of our Fraternity.

There are few other requirements. You must:

• Be a man age 18 or older (although women & younger people can join related groups),

• Believe in a Supreme Being,

• A belief in the immortality of the soul,

• Live an ethical life, and

• Have a strong interest in the Fraternity with a desire to participate in our charities & activities.

An application fee is also required, followed by a background investigation on all applicants.

The Grand Master of Masons in the State of NY

It’s Called Brotherhood!

“I never imagined that my involvement with Masonry would bring me to looking over spreadsheets and charts. Yet, I learned long ago that leadership does not mean merely showing up, it means stepping up. That is why I devote so much time and attention to our Craft and that is why I am asking each of you to work with me and our Grand Line to address the challenges we face. We will harness our most precious resource – our brethren – to find real solutions to the challenges that continue to afflict our Craft.”


M:.W:. Steven Adam Rubin

Grand Master

Our District Team

Suffolk District Leadership 2024-2026

R:.W:. Robert J. Licata
District Deputy Grand Master

R:.W:. William De Benedetto
Grand Lodge Staff Officer

R:.W:. Jeffrey G. Santorello
Assistant Grand Lecturer

V:.W:. Stu Smith
Assistant Grand Lecturer

V:.W:. Bruce A. T. Siska
Assistant Grand Lecturer

V:.W:. Jeremiah Campbell
Assistant Grand Lecturer

Options for all Masons

Concordant Bodies related to Freemasonry

Concordant Bodies for Masters Masons

Scottish RIte
Scottish Rite (AASR)
York Rite

Organizations for Ladies, girls and young men related to Master Masons

Order of the Eastern Star
Order of the Eastern Star
Triangle Girls
Organization of Triangles, Inc.
Rainbow Girls
International Order of Rainbow for Girls
DeMolay International