Brothers submit your posts
The Suffolk Masonic District Website has been updated so now Brothers can submit their own posts. We want user supplied content for the site and there is always something happening at Lodges and concordant bodies in an around the district that all should know about. Share your Masonic related stories and pictures.
- Login or register for an account
- Mouse over the Account menu
- select User Submitted Posts
You will be taken to a page to submit your post.
- Create a title for your post
- select a category (right now there is only one)
- Add tags (if you want)
- type out your post
- add media (images, etc.) to your post if you like
- Add a featured image
- Click submit
All post will be moderated by the webmasters before publication.
Posts will be included in the monthly newsletter if submitted by the 25th of the month for the next month’s newsletter.
The page is still in testing and not completed as we’re working on the look and feel, however it is operational so feel free.
- Posted by William Arnold
- On May 3, 2022
- 0 Comment