Old Town Lodge No.908

Project Description

Lodge Details

Old Town Lodge No. 908
40 Main St.
Southampton NY 11968


Meetings: 8:00 P.M. on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month except July and August.

Directions: Use Sunrise Highway (Rt. 27) east to the end of the divided highway, then continue east to the second red light (North Sea Road). Tum right (south). Proceed four stop lights (intersection of Hampton Road and Main Street). Halfway down Main Street on the east side, next to Barristers Restaurant, is the temple.

Lodge History
Old Town Lodge started a new Masonic Community in Southampton in the year 1913 when they ventured away from Wamponamon Lodge# 437 (the mother lodge). It operated, with 17 members under dispensation until 1914 when a charter was graciously granted by the Grand Lodge. The Lodge first rented the present building from the Odd Fellows Lodge and subsequently bought half, then all of it, from them.

Southampton Masons Celebrate 100 Years

When the many grand cathedrals of Europe were being built, a call went out for skilled stone masons to offer their services. Masons were often the highest-paid workers on the job site, so many men would claim to be masonry professionals to earn more compensation. To keep impostors at bay, a series of handshakes and symbols was devised to show not only that a man was, in fact, a mason, but to show his level of education in the field. Those who passed that test were granted lodgings while working on the large buildings, many of which are still visited today.

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Project Details