LIPMA hosts Masters, Wardens & Deacons of the District
Attending the meeting held last night, January 29th, 2025, was a pleasure at Riverhead Lodge of the Long Island Past Masters Assoc. (LIPMA). The Suffolk District Team, led by R:.W:. Robert J. Licata, DDGM, brought together the Masters, Wardens, and Deacons of the Suffolk Masonic District for a discussion about reconstituting the Masters, Wardens, and Deacons Assoc. (MWDA).
W:. Terry Maccarone and V:.W:. Jerimiah Campbell did a fantastic job in putting the presentation together and I believe all in attendance took away valuable and actionable advice and guidance.
W:. Dominick Peppaceno and W:. Kevin Geiger whipped up a delicious meal for all attending and there was very little left over.
It is the hope of the LIPMA and the District team that this organization take up the mantle and work together as a whole in the Suffolk Masonic District to improve themselves as well as improve the District. All line officers that expect to be raised to the East, work as a group and not as an island unto themselves. We can depend on each other to cooperate and assist each other in our endeavors. We can all succeed and grow together.
As the current future leaders of the Craft, you should always remember that there is a wealth of knowledge in the District that is always available to offer advice and guidance. From the District Deputy Grand Master and the District Advisor, R:.W:. Bill McCauley to the rest of the District team and Past Masters of the District and of your Lodges.
- Posted by William Arnold
- On January 30, 2025
- 1 Comment
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