Peconic Lodge No.349

Project Description

Lodge Details

Peconic Lodge No. 349
1246 Roanoke Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday, except EXCEPT JULY & AUG at Riverhead Lodge No. 645


Lodge History

Masonic light was brought to Greenport on June 19, 1855 when Peconic Lodge received its charter. This light illuminated every Wednesday evening over the Young & Wiggins store on Main Street until 1889 when they moved to the G.H. Corwin and Co. Drug Store. During an impressive ceremony, the cornerstone of their new Masonic Temple was laid on November 23, 1901. April 11, 1903 the Masonic Temple was dedicated to the memory of Bro. Johnston for his unselfish gift of $10,000 for the new Temple.

Peconic Lodge has the unique distinction of being the oldest Lodge in continuous existence in Suffolk County. The Lodge sold their building in 2005 and were meeting at the Mechanics Hall on Main Street, Greenport until the Order of Mechanics sold the building.

Peconic Lodge now meets at Riverhead Lodge No. 645

Project Details